Laguna Redonda – The little neighbor of Montaña Redonda

Dominican Republic, English

Approximate reading time: 6 minutes


If you are familiar with tourism in the Dominican Republic and like to travel, you probably have heard already of Montaña Redonda. This is a famous tourism excursion on the top of a hilly area where you have a stunning 360 degrees with to the adjacent valleys. But have you ever heard about the little neighbor Laguna Redonda?

Where is Laguna Redonda?

Laguna Redonda can be found in the northeast of the Dominican Republic. It’s part of the district El Seibo and in a rather scarce populated area of the country.

As you can see on Google Maps, it is quite close to Montaña Redonda and shares even the same name. Both are ‘redonda’ which means ’round’ in Spanish. Okay, if I see it on Google Maps, it might not be perfectly round but I think that you get the idea what I mean.

Laguna Redonda filmed from the top of the hill.

What is Laguna Redonda?

Laguna Redonda is one of the many aquatic and hidden places in the Dominican Republic. The country is rich of lagoons that create habitat for both flora and fauna. Laguna Redonda has an extension of 1.93 mi² (5 km2) and consists of salt water. It’s connected with the near sea through Caño Celedonio.

View from the shoreside

Laguna Redonda has been a livelihood for hundreds of poor families who fish with rustic instruments to survive in this place of just a few opportunities. Some species of fauna that can be observed in the lagoon are: crabs, tilapia, bass, shrimp and guabinas.

Lagoons in the Dominican Republic are a pure paradise for bird watchers. The birdlife around Laguna Redonda is also rich and is represented by Pied-billed grebe (Podilymbus podiceps), the common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus), great egret (Ardea alba), black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), northern pintail (Anas acuta).

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This sign welcomes you with additional information about Laguna Redonda

Unfortunately I haven’t had sufficient time and boats to discover the whole lagoon. But what I saw from the shore was kind of beautiful already.


How to reach Laguna Redonda?

Laguna Redonda is not touristically developed and accessed. Meaning, that you need to invest a high effort to reach it. But it’s worth it if you want to have an individual and exclusive feeling.

Usually, tourism destinations and excursions in the Dominican Republic are completely overrun. This one’s not. I had the luck to be there on my own. If we zoom a bit out at Google Maps, we can see, that there is only one single pathway to reach Laguna Redonda:

Only one pathway from the south leads to Laguna Redonda

The Atlantic is in the the north and there are no connections both from east and west towards the lagoon. This makes it a bit more difficult to reach.

Here is how you get there: On the highway 104 (RD-104 Carretera Bávaro) you see a quite an unremarkable green traffic sign with ‘Laguna Redonda’ on it. It’s probably around 1.5 miles (2,5 km) away from the entrance to Montaña Redonda. Just continue driving for about 10 – 12 minutes and you’ll reach Laguna Redonda.

That’s the official part you would guess by planning it from the outside. But I was beneath the surface and can tell you, that you should park the car approximately where you can see the little white square on the screenshot. Why?


Is it easy to access Laguna Redonda?

It’s better to walk the rest of the route to the lagoon. Shouldn’t be more than 1/2 or a 3/4 mile from the marked checkpoint. You should see a gate:

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Takes probably 5 -7 minutes walking time from here until you reach Laguna Redonda.

The road conditions are not stable enough and look the following:

Muddy conditions on the way to Laguna Redonda

You better not wear sandals, flip flops, etc. and rely on sturdy shoes. That’s what I can recommend, because I wore flip flops and looked more than dirty after reaching the lagoon 🙂

But on dry days without rain it won’t be easier either. Here is how the path looks like:

Beautiful landscape around Laguna Redonda

To be 100% sure to reach Laguna Redonda safe and to not get stuck in the muddy terrain, you should only access it with a jeep or a SUV. Everything that has a 4×4 engine is the only secure car to go there.

Of course you could as well motorbikes, quads, etc. These vehicles would be even more suitable to enter the difficult terrain. But once you reached Laguna Redonda, it’ll be more than worth it!

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Laguna Redonda is a saltwater lagoon in the northeast of the Dominican Republic.

Why is the water at Laguna Redonda green?

That’s a good question, isn’t it? If you took a closer look to the videos and photos above, you’ll see a green shimmer at the water surface.

Green water at Laguna Redonda in the Dominican Republic

The reason for the green water are the mangroves and the rotten leaves from the surrounding trees. In combination with the very salty water, this rare effect of green water is produced. It corrodes at the bottom of the water surface. There are no rocks or stones that could wash the water and make it a little more clear.

That’s why the water at Laguna Redonda shimmers in a light green hue.

I have seen a lot of green water places like stagnant ponds, natural pools or puddles. Mostly, because they are not moving waters. But this was the first time, that I saw a moving water with this green hue.

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The water at Laguna Redonda is surprisingly green.

I decided to not swim there, rather enjoy a few silent minutes at the shore and observed the little fisher boat before I continued the trip to Montaña Redonda.

Laguna Redonda is one of these many hidden destinations in the Dominican Republic that are barely known and communicated. Few information are available of it and you have to search for places like that. But once you discovered one of these places, you can be sure to be the only person there.

10 seltsame und beeindruckende Gründe für das nächste Urlaubsabenteuer in der Dominikanische Republik

Dominican Republic, German

Ungefähre Lesezeit: 18 Minuten


Bist Du auf der Suche nach Inspiration für das nächste große Urlaubsabenteuer? Hältst Du Ausschau nach einem paradiesischen Urlaubsziel in den Tropen? Hast Du jemals vom schönsten und abwechslungsreichsten Zielort in der Karibik geträumt?

Wenn Du mindestens eine Frage mit “Ja” beantworten konntest, bist Du als Solo-Traveler in der Dominikanischen Republik mehr als geeignet. Wie Du Dir vorstellen kannst, würde ich diesen Artikel nicht schreiben, falls ich keine Beweise liefern könnte, dass das größte Land in der Karibik gleichzeitig eine Vielzahl an tollen Gelegenheiten und Geheimtipps für Individualreisende bietet.

Grüner als Grün – Auf einer Offroad-Exkursion in Tubagua

Die Dominikanische Republik ist die meist besuchte Destination in der Karibik. Dennoch hat sie viel mehr zu bieten als…

  • Große Ferienresorts
  • All-Inklusiv-Urlaube in Punta Cana
  • Endlosen Strände mit Kokosnusspalmen

So stellen sich wahrscheinlich die allermeisten Menschen die größte Insel in der Karibik vor.

Die Dominikanische Republik ist ein Paradies für Individualtouristen

Was die Mehrheit jedoch nicht erwarten würde, ist die Vielseitigkeit der Dominikanischen Republik. Und dass sie den Ansprüchen aller ambitionierten Reisenden gerecht werden kann.

Nun gut, sagen wir fast jedem Reisetypen: Wintersport ist vielleicht das einzige Interessengebiet, das die Dominikanische Republik nicht bedienen kann. Aufgrund der warmen und sonnigen Wetterbedingungen sind Snowboard und Skilaufen schlicht unmöglich. Aber eben jenes milde und angenehme Klima wird auf der Insel auch gerne als ‚ewiger Sommer’ beschrieben.

Aber es ist womöglich gerade dieser endlose Sommer, den Du von der Dominikanischen Republik erwartet hättest. Wollen wir uns daher auf all jene spannenden und einzigartigen Charakteristika der Dominikanischen Republik konzentrieren, die Dich gleichzeitig inspirieren und bei der zukünftigen Urlaubsplanung helfen können.

Wusstest Du, dass die Dominikanische Republik…

  • während Kolombus erster Expedition in 1492 entdeckt wurde?
  • auch die älteste Stadt auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent beheimatet?
  • einen Berg hat, der mit 3.098 m höher als die Zugspitze (2.962 m) ist?

Das waren nur einige wenige interessante Fakten um Dein Interesse zu wecken. Und doch hat die Dominikanische Republik noch viel mehr zu bieten.

Lies in diesem Artikel über 10 Merkmale der Dominikanischen Republik, die Dich überraschen werden und Dein Reisefieber anregen werden.


1 – Christopher Kolumbus landete in 1492 auf der Insel

Während einer ersten Erkundungsfahrt entdeckte Kolumbus Amerika, das gehört zum Grundwissen dazu und kennen wir alle bereits aus dem Geschichtsunterricht. Aber wusstest Du auch, dass seine allererste Entdeckung die Insel Hispaniola im Jahre 1492 war?

Im Jahre 1493 wurde an der nordöstlichen Küste der Insel während Kolumbus’ zweitem Aufenthalt die Kolonie ‚La Isabela’ gegründet. Auch wenn die Dominikanische Republik als souveräner Staat viel später erst gegründet wurde, landete Kolumbus auf heutigem dominikanischem Territorium.

La Isabela (Dominican Republic) - Columbus' Landing
Hier landete Christopher Kolumbus vor mehr als 500 Jahren

Obwohl diese Kolonie bereits im Jahre 1500 wegen eines Tornado und dem Goldfund im Binnenland wieder aufgegeben wurde, sind die Fußabdrücke und Hinterlassenschaften von Kolumbus noch immer präsent. Selbst 525 Jahre später können die Sehenswürdigkeiten und Relikte der ersten europäischen Kolonie besichtigt werden.

Auf dem ersten Blick mögen die Ruinen ein wenig unscheinbar und enttäuschend für den Besucher wirken. Vor 1986 hat sich niemand für diesen Ort ernsthaft interessiert. Leider wurden viele alte Gebäude im Jahre 1952 auf Befehl des damaligen Diktators Trujillo mit Bulldozern platt gemacht. Nur die Grundmauern und das rekonstruierte Haus von Christopher Kolumbus sind heutzutage noch in der Ausgrabungsstätte sichtbar.

Auf dem zweiten Blick kannst Du mit etwas mehr Geduld und einem informativen Reiseleiter viele interessante und geschichtsträchtige Informationen lernen. Die Ausgrabungen von La Isabela und die gefundenen Originalwerkzeuge von damals sind schlicht beeindruckend. Die erste europäische Kolonie war auch einem sehr weit entwickelten technischen Stand.

La Isabela eignet sich für einen perfekten Tagestrip für all jene, die Kolumbus’ Schritten folgen möchten, um die ältesten Gebäude der ersten europäischen Siedler auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent zu sehen.

  • Casa del Almirante in La Isabela
  • La Isabela in the Dominican Republic
  • Monument in La Isabela, Dominican Republic
  • Cemetery in La Isabela, Dominican Republic

Wieviel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? Nicht mehr als 2 – 3 Stunden

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: Kann das ganze Jahr besucht werden (Lieber in den Morgenstunden bevor es heiß wird – Es gibt kaum Schatten)

💰 Kosten: Erschwinglich (Eintritt pro Person 200 Pesos <-> 3 – 3,50 Euro. Spanisch sprechender Reiseleiter nicht mehr als 500 Pesos <-> 7 – 9 Euro)

Empfohlen für: Geschichtsliebhaber, Archäologen


2 – Santo Domingo ist die erste Stadt Amerikas

Die Kolonie von Santo Domingo wurde die erste kontinuierliche europäische Siedlung auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent. Aus diesem Grund ist Santo Domingo die ‚älteste Stadt der neuen Welt’. Und gleichzeitig die erste Hauptstadt auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent, der Ort der ältesten Kathedrale, des ersten Krankenhauses und der ersten Universität außerhalb Europas. Während eines Besuches in der dominikanischen Hauptstadt kannst Du wahrlich geschichtsträchtige Luft ein- und ausatmen.

Viele dieser Bauwerke können im pittoresken Kern der Altstadt von Santo Domingo besucht und besichtigt werden. Die Stadt zieht jährlich tausende Besucher aus dem Ausland durch ihre bunten Festivals und Veranstaltungen an. Check den Festivalkalender, bevor Du kommen möchtest – Vielleicht hast Du Glück und besuchst während der Karnevalszeit oder des Merengue-Festivals die Stadt.

Mach Dir wegen der Sicherheitslage nicht zu viele Gedanken. Diese Gegend gilt als eine der am besten bewachten Stadtteile in Santo Domingo. Ebenfalls ist dieser Teil der Stadt einer der saubersten – Auch, wenn das auf den ersten Blick als Besucher eines Landes aus der westlichen Kultur nicht so erscheinen mag. Jedoch ist die koloniale Altstadt vergleichen zu anderen Stadtteilen in einem guten und sauberen Zustand.

Um Deine Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen in der ältesten Stadt auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent abzurunden, möchte ich Dir zwei ganz besondere Orte empfehlen. Du kannst Sie unkompliziert und schnell erreichen, benötigst aber ein Fahrzeug. In ca. 20 – 25 Minuten kannst Du die folgenden beiden Orte besichtigen, die Du nicht verpassen solltest..

Leuchtturm von Kolumbus (‘Faro El Colon’) – Eine monumental gebaute Krypta, in der die sterblichen Überreste von Christoph Kolumbus liegen

Nationalpark ‘Die drei Augen’ (‘Parque Los Tres Ojos’) – Eine offene Kalksteinhöhle mit drei Lagunen. Lies Dir auch unbedingt diesen Artikel durch.

Santo Domingo eignet sich perfekt für den Beginn einer Urlaubsreise in die Dominikanische Republik, aber genauso für geschichtsinteressierte Besucher von urbanen Attraktionen. 

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? Nicht mehr als 2 Nächte

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: Kann das ganze Jahr besucht werden

💰 Kosten: Erschwinglich.

  • Die koloniale Altstadt zu erkunden ist natürlich kostenlos. Lässt sich natürlich besser mit einem informativen Reiseleiter erkunden. Sollte zwischen 25 – 30 Euro zu finden sein.
  • Der Eintritt für den Leuchtturm von Kolumbus kostet 200 Pesos <-> 3 – 3,50 EUR.
  • Der Zutritt in die Kalksteinhöhle kostet 250 Pesos <-> 4,50 – 5 EUR

Empfohlen für: Stadtreisende, Geschichtsliebhaber


3 – Der höchste Berg der Karibik

Im Gegensatz zu sandigen und ebenen Stränden des Landes befindet sich in der Dominikanischen Republik auch die höchste Erhebung aller karibischen Inseln. Von exakt 3.097 Metern (Höher als die Zugspitze!) grüßt der ‘Pico Duarte’. Dieser erhielt seinen Namen in Anerkennung an Juan Pablo Duarte, einem der Gründungsväter der Dominikanischen Republik.

Die gebirgige Region bietet herausfordernde Aufstiege für Bergsteiger und Kletterer aller Art. Die Bergspitze des Pico Duarte begrüßt jährlich ca. 3.000 Kletterer, die eine nahezu unberührte und natürliche Umgebung genießen möchten. Das sind umgerechnet lediglich 10 Kletterer pro Tag und damit ist der Pico Duarte noch immer so etwas wie ein Geheimtipp. Und wer kann immerhin von sich behaupten, schon einmal den höchsten Berg eines gesamten geographischen Gebietes bestiegen zu haben?

View from Pico Duarte (10,164 feet - 3.098 m)
Blick vom Pico Duarte (3.098 m)
(© Ministerio de Turismo de República Dominicana)

Es gibt viele verschiedene Routen mit unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden, beginnend in Jarabacoa. Abhängig von Deinem körperlichen Zustand wirst Du wissen, welche der vielen Routen die für Dich geeignete sein wird. Nur erfahrene Bergsteiger sollten einen Aufstieg ohne lokalen Reiseleiter planen. Allen anderen Menschen empfehle ich den Aufstieg mit Lastentier und erfahrenem Reiseführer mit guten Ortskenntnissen.

Eine weitere Empfehlung für die beste und individuellste Erfahrung ist der richtige Zeitraum zum Aufstieg. Wie Du zuvor lesen konntest, versuchen sich jährlich um die 3.000 Bergsteiger am Pico Duarte. Aber ungefähr die Hälfte dieser Personen planen ihre Reise im Januar und in der Osterwoche. Versuche unbedingt, diese Stoßzeiten zu vermeiden und lieber in der Nebensaison den Berg hochzukraxeln.

Pico Duarte ist die geeignete Herausforderung für Bergsteiger, Abenteuer, Naturburschen und jene Reisende, die die persönliche Herausforderung suchen.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? Rechne mit 4 Tagen für die Standardroute in Jarabacoa.

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: NICHT während Januar und in der Osterwoche. Lieber in der Nebensaison.

💰Kosten: Moderat. Es gibt privat geführte Touren, deren Kosten stark von der Teilnehmeranzahl und Route abhängen.

Empfohlen für: Bergsteiger, Abenteurer, Naturburschen


4 – Der tiefste Punkt der Karibik

Ganz im Gegenteil zum eben beschriebenen höchsten Berg der Karibik befindet sich ebenfalls das exakte geografische Gegenteil.

In der südwestlichen Region der Dominikanischen Republik kann der größte See des Landes und der gesamten Karibik erkundet werden. Der ‚Lago Enriquillo’ bedeckt circa 233 Quadratkilometer und der tiefste Punkt befindet sich auf ungefähr 43m unter dem Meeresspiegel.

Obschon der See aufgrund seiner saisonalen bedingten hypersalinen Eigenschaft recht unwirtliche Lebensbedingungen bietet, haben sich viele Tiere unterschiedlichster Art angepasst und ihr Habitat dort finden können. So finden sich im und am Lago Enriquillo die höchste Anzahl an amerikanischen Krokodilen (Crocodylus acutus) in der Karibik. Mach Dich also auf ein paar wilde Kreaturen gefasst!

Der ‘Lago Enriquillo’ im Südwesten der Dominikanischen Republik

Sehr ungewöhnlich ist ebenfalls, dass sich der Trend zur Ausbreitung des Sees durch Überflutung seit einigen Jahrzehnten konstant hält. Seit 2004 ist der See um beinahe 130% Fläche gewachsen. Dies ist einerseits durch gestiegenen Regenfall bedingt und andererseits dank reduzierten Verdunstungseffekten aufgrund von milderen Temperaturen. Zusätzlich hilft dies wiederum den vielen bedrohten Tierarten bei der Aufrechterhaltung der eigenen Art in ihrem Lebensraum.

Falls Du noch niemals pinke Flamingos in ihrem natuürlichen Lebensraum sehen konntest, hast Du nun die Gelegenheit dazu. Du bist ein Experte in puncto Vogelbeobachtung und suchst neue Herausforderungen? Dann darfst Du Dich schon mal auf Punkt Nummer 8 in dieser Aufzählung freuen!

Wenn Dich Vögel gar nicht interessieren, kannst Du auch endemische Leguanarten am See entdecken. Der Nashornleguan (Cyclura cornuta) hat dort sein Habitat und heißt Dich mit seiner anmutigen und majestätischen Erscheinung willkommen.

Absoluter Geheimtipp: Bring frische Früchte zur Fütterung mit. Die Viecher stehen absolut auf Kirschen.

Lake Enriquillo eignet sich besonders zur Beobachtung der Tierwelt und der natürlichen Ressourcen eines einzigartigen Sees.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? 1 Tag

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: Kann das ganze Jahr besucht werden

💰Kosten: Gering. Eine Bootstour wird ca. 35 – 40 Euro kosten.

Empfohlen für: Abenteurer, Vogelbeobachter, Naturburschen


5 – Einmal bitte die Schwerkraft austricksen!

Nun zu einer besonders magisch wirkenden Eigenschaft, die in den letzten Jahren den einen oder anderen viralen Trend ausgelöst hat. In der Nähe von Barahona im südwestlichen Teil der Dominikanischen Republik gibt es ein kleines Dorf namens Polo. Hier haben Sie eine der weltweit wenigen Gelegenheiten, der Schwerkraft auf natürliche Art und Weise am sogenannten magnetischen Pol (‚El Polo Magnético’) zu trotzen.

Wenn Sie ihr Auto im Leerlauf bergab der Straße abstellen, rollt ihr Wagen bergauf! Das glauben Sie nicht? Dann finden Sie es selbst auf dem Hügel der Schwerkraft heraus. Ihr Auto wird aufgrund einer optischen Illusion der Straßenverhältnisse und der umliegenden Landschaft den Berg ‚hinaufrollen’. Dennoch eine interessante und einzigartige Erfahrung in der Dominikanischen Republik und der Karibik.

Und das allerbeste an dieser Anekdote: Es gibt keinen Eintritt und Du kannst daher dieses Erlebnis kostenlos erleben! Ein paar Beweisvideos aufzuzeichnen kann sicherlich nicht schaden. Den magnetischen Punkt von Polo in Deine Rundreise durch die Dominikanische Republik einzuplanen ist sicherlich keine schlechte Idee.

Darüber hinaus gibt es nicht allzu viel zu sehen und erleben in Polo. Diesen Haltestopp auf der Rundreise durch den unbekannten Südwesten sollte nicht auf dem Reiseplan fehlen.

Der magnetische Pol in Polo ist ein außergewöhnliches Reiseziel für Reisen mit einem Mietwagen durch den Südwesten der Dominikanischen Republik.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? 30 Minuten

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: Kann das ganze Jahr besucht werden

💰Kosten: Gratis

Empfohlen für: Nerds, You-Tuber


6 – In der Dominikanischen Republik sind 9 der 50 weltweit besten Golfplätze

Wussten Sie, dass selbst US-Amerikanische Präsidenten auf die Insel kommen, nur um Golf in der Dominikanischen Republik zu spielen? Mit mehr als 30 wunderschönen Golfplätzen – angelegt von weltbekannten Designern wie Jack Nicklaus, Robert Trent, Bobby Jones, Nick Faldo und Peter Dye – zählt die Dominikanische Republik zu einer der besten Destinationen für Golfspieler in Lateinamerika und weltweit.

Der sogenannte ‚Teeth of the Dog’ ist der prestigeträchtigste Golfplatz der Dominikanischen Republik. Jeder ambitionierter Golfspieler wird für einen unvergesslichen Golfurlaub willkommen geheißen. Neun der dominikanischen Golfplätze sind 2010 in die Liste der „Top 50 Golfplätze weltweit“ des Sportmagazins Golfweek aufgenommen worden. Die früheren US-Präsidenten Bill Clinton und George H. W. Bush kamen wie auch viele andere weltweite Profis und Champions in die Dominikanische Republik, um auf den dutzenden Designer-Golfplätzen ihr Können zu beweisen.

Der berühmte Hundezahn-Golfplatz (‘Teeth of the Dog’) in der Dominikanischen Republik
(© Ministerio de Turismo de República Dominicana)

Um den Status der Dominikanischen Republik in der Golfwelt noch einmal betonen und hervorheben zu können: Mitglieder der Global Golf Tourism Organization, IAGTO haben die Dominikanische Republik als “Golf Destination of the Year 2019 for Latin America and the Caribbean” gekürt.

Diese internationalen Preise und Auszeichnungen haben der Dominikanischen Republik geholfen, den Status als Golfparadies zu etablieren. Vielleicht planst Du Deinen nächsten Golfurlaub ja auch in der Karibik?

Der Hundezahn eignet sich für alle, die ihr 9er-Eisen selbst mitbringen möchten und einen luxuriösen Urlaub im naheliegenden ‘Casa de Campo’ verbringen möchten.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? Hängt von Deinem Budget ab

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: Kann das ganze Jahr besucht werden

💰Kosten: Hängen ebenfalls von Deinem Budget ab. Wird aber nicht ganz so günstig werden 🙂

Empfohlen für: Golfer


7Merengue hat seinen Ursprung in der Dominikanischen Republik

Obwohl Zucker, Kaffee und Tabak zu den wichtigsten wirtschaftlichen Exportprodukten gehören, hat die landestypische Musik namens Merengue das Land durch dieses kulturelle Gut ein wenig bekannter gemacht.

Don’t miss the following article, that will show you more Merengue dances.

Schnelle rhythmische Musik von handgefertigten Instrumenten in Kombination mit eng umschlungenen und anmutigen Tanzschritten – Nirgendwo sonst kann der dominikanische Lebensstil besser beobachtet werden als während Abenden mit dominikanischer Merengue-Musik. Das Tolle an Merengue ist, dass man diesen Tanz nahezu überall auf der ganzen Insel finden kann. Merengue ist mehr als laute Musik und schneller Tanz, es ist ein Ausdruck dominikanischer Lebensfreude!

Im Juli und August gibt es mehrere Merengue-Festivals in Santo Domingo zu besuchen und zu bestaunen. Üblicherweise finden diese am kilometerlangen Strandboulevard statt und Sie können bis spät in die Nacht den typischen dominikanischen Klängen zuhören.

Ein besonderer Geheimtipp ist der Besuch des Restaurants ‘El Conuco’. Eines der besseren Restaurants mit traditioneller Dekoration, Kellnern in folkloristischer Kleidung und mit landestypischer Küche. Ich selber habe zuvor noch niemanden so schnell aber kontrolliert tanzen sehen dürfen, wie die beiden Personen im obigen Video auf einer Flasche Rum. Richtig gelesen: AUF einer Flasche, nicht mit einer Flasche!

Erst vor Kurzem hat die UNESCO die traditionelle dominikanische Musik und Tanz rund um das Merengue als immaterielles Kulturerbe gewürdigt. Eine mehr als respektable Auszeichnung für die kulturelle Identität der Dominikaner.

Der Musikstil Merengue und das gleichnamige Festival ist ideal für alle kulturellen Entdecker, aktiven Tänzer und neugiere Besucher, die gerne mal das Tanzbein schwingen.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? 1 Tag

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: Das Festival findet normalerweise Ende Juli / Anfang August statt

💰Kosten: Gratis

Empfohlen für: Kulturbegeisterte Personen, Tänzer


8 – Die meisten Vogelarten der Karibik haben ihr Habitat in der Dominikanischen Republik

Du erinnerst Dich an den kurzen Hinweis aus Kapitel 4? Nun ist der Moment gekommen, auf den die Vogelbeobachter gewartet haben!

Vogelbeobachter und Ornithologen haben seit einiger Zeit das Interesse der Reiseziele auf sich gezogen. Aus dieser Perspektive ist die Dominikanische Republik ein reines Paradies für Vogelbeobachter und Ornithologen.

Insbesondere der Nationalpark ‚Los Haitises’, die Wüste ‘Bahoruco’ und der Gebirgszug ‚Septentrional’ bieten fantastische Gelegenheiten zur Beobachtung der geflügelten Fauna aus der Dominikanischen Republik. Zwischen tropischen Bäumen und vielen weiteren Tierarten können viele zum Teil auch vom Aussterben bedrohte Vogelarten beobachtet werden.

Die Diversität der Vogelarten aus der Dominikanischen Republik begründet sich teilweise auch wegen der komplexen geologischen Geschichte der Insel Hispaniola. Die Insel gehört auch geographisch zu den Vielseitigsten der ganzen Karibik dank unterschiedlicher mikroklimatischen Zonen. Insgesamt finden 320 verschiedene Vogelarten ihr Habitat in der Dominikanischen Republik. Davon sind 32 endemischer Art und diese Exklusivität zieht ein besonderes Interesse eines Vogelbeobachters nach sich.

Diese dominikanischen Reiseziele sind optimal für Vogelbeobachter und Ornithologen, die ihre Ferngläser selber mitbringen möchten und in der Dominikanischen Republik bis zu 320 Vogelarten beobachten möchten.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? Wer sich rein zur Vogelbeobachtung in die Karibik aufschwingt, sollte mindestens 14 Tage und viel Geduld einplanen.

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: Kann das ganze Jahr besucht werden

💰Kosten: Teuer

Empfohlen für: Naturliebhaber, Vogelbeobachter


9Den höchsten Wasserfall der Karibik kennen selbst 99% der Bevölkerung und Trip Advisor nicht

Wann immer es um wirklich geheime Geheimtipps für Reisende in die Dominikanische Republik geht, darf die folgende Anekdote nicht fehlen. Völlig unbeachtet von allen Reiseführern und Ausflugsplanern des Landes kann der höchste Wasserfall der Karibik gefunden werden. Aus insgesamt 118m fällt das Wasser hinab.

Es geht um den ‚Salto de La Jalda’. Gleichzeitig ist dieser Wasserfall ein Reiseziel, das selbst die meisten Einheimischen nicht kennen. Es ist (Stand Januar 2020) nicht einmal bei Trip Advisor gelistet worden. Eine Tour zu diesem Wasserfall wird 4,5 Stunden Fußmarsch oder 2,5 Stunden mit dem Pferd benötigen. Vergessen Sie nicht, ihre Schwimmbekleidung mitzunehmen bevor Sie losziehen, kühles Wasser wird Sie erfrischen, wenn Sie angekommen sind.

Da es sich um einen lupenreinen Geheimtipp handelt, solltest Du nicht zu lange mit einem Besuch zögern. Wenn Reiseveranstalter diesen geheimen Wasserfall ebenfalls für sich entdecken und für ihre Zwecke nutzen, bleibt es kein Geheimtipp mehr.

Übrigens: Der höchste Wasserfall der Karibik ist – mal abgesehen vom langen Wanderweg – lediglich 2 Stunden von Punta Cana und den All-Inklusiv-Resorts entfernt. Somit eignet er sich für eine abenteuerliche Tagestour.

Der streng geheime Wasserfall ‚Salto de La Jalda’ ist das perfekte Ausflugsziel für Entdecker, Naturliebhaber und abenteuerliche Pioniere, die die allerersten sein möchten.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? 1 Tag

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: Kann das ganze Jahr besucht werden

💰 Kosten: Moderate

Empfohlen für: Naturliebhaber, Wanderer


10 Buckelwale werden in der Dominikanischen Republik geboren

Insbesondere Naturliebhaber, die sich an den vielen Tieren der Dominikanischen Republik erfreuen möchten, werden auf ihre Kosten kommen. Jedes Jahr gegen Januar kommen ungefähr 2.000 – 3.000 der riesengroßen Buckelwale in der Bucht der Halbinsel Samaná an.

Sie ziehen jahreszeitbedingt aus dem kühlen nördlichen Atlantik in die milden dominikanischen Gewässer, um ihre Kälber zu gebären und großzuziehen. Die neugeborenen Buckelwale haben keine ausreichenden Fettreserven um die kalten Winter in den nördlichen Gewässern zu überleben. Aus diesem Grund kommen sie in die Gewässer der Dominikanischen Republik und bleiben bis Ende März um sich auf die Rückkehr in die grönländischen Gewässer und deren Nahrungsgründe und Fischgebiete vorzubereiten

Walbeobachtung in der Dominikanischen Republik

Im weitesten Sinne sind also die gigantischen Buckelwale gebürtige Dominikaner, die im Ausland leben, um zum jährlichen Sommerbesuch in ihre Heimatländer (oder besser: Heimatgewässer) zurückzukehren.

Die Halbinsel Samaná ist hervorragend für Walbeobachter und Tierliebhaber geeignet und all jene, die in ihrem Leben schon mal Wale in freier Wildbahn sehen wollten.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich hier verbringen? 1 full day

📅 Empfohlener Reisezeitraum: From January till mid of March

💰 Kosten: Gering. Ein Reiseführer (ca. 35 EUR) ist ein absolutes MUSS.

Empfohlen für: Naturliebhaber. Wanderer.


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10 insider facts of the Dominican Republic for individual travelers

Dominican Republic, English

Are you looking for some real inspiration for your next big travel adventure? A tropical paradise in a coconut shell? Never considered traveling to the most beautiful and diverse destination of the Caribbean? Maybe the Dominican Republic? I would love to inspire with 10 insider facts of the Dominican Republic for individual travelers.

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


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If you answer at least one of these questions with a “Yes”, you are eligible to become an individual traveler in the Dominican Republic. As you can imagine, I wouldn’t write this article, if I couldn’t present some reasons to emphasize, that the biggest country in the Caribbean has at the same time plenty of opportunities and hidden gems to visit as an individual tourist.

During Canyoning – An offroad excursion at “Cola de Pato”

The Dominican Republic is the most visited destination in the Caribbean. Yet it has much more to offer than the usual and expectable things. Naming a few…

  • Big holiday resorts
  • All-Inclusive-vacations in Punta Cana
  • Palms along endless beaches

These are standardized imaginations. Probably these are the imaginations most people expect when it comes to this country.

The Dominican Republic is a paradise for individual tourism

What most people don’t know is the versatility of the Dominican Republic. And that it can satisfy the needs of every ambitious traveler type.

Well, let’s say almost every travel type. Winter sports might be a little difficult to realize because of warm and sunny conditions for all year round. For this reason, the climate of the Dominican Republic is also known as an “endless summer.”

But an endless summer in the Caribbean is probably what you already expected. Rather let us focus on some thrilling and unique features of the Dominican Republic which inspire you to travel instantly.

Did you know, that the Dominican Republic…

  • was discovered during Columbus first expedition?
  • is also home of the oldest (capital) city of the entire American continent?
  • has the highest mountain (10,164 feet – 3.098 m) of the Caribbean?

These are only a few of the triggering facts to create curiosity. Yet, the Dominican Republic has much more to offer.

Read in this article 10 characteristics about the Dominican Republic that might surprise you to create wanderlust and see it with your own eyes.



Columbus landed here in 1492

Christopher Columbus landed during his first voyage first on the Bahamas and later on Hispaniola Island on December 5, 1492. In 1493, the colony of La Isabela was built on the northeast coast on Columbus’ second trip. Even though the Republic itself was founded as a sovereign state much later, Columbus landed on today’s Dominican territory.

La Isabela (Dominican Republic) - Columbus' Landing

Columbus’ Landing in the Dominican Republic

La Isabela was depopulated by 1500 due to a hurricane. Furthermore, the discovery of gold one year earlier in 1499 in the interior of the country made people flee to follow the gold rush. But the footsteps of Christopher Columbus are still present. And even 525 years later, the site of La Isabela can be visited. There are still some relics of the very first European settlement in the Americas.

On the first glance the ruins of Isabella might appear a little disappointing to the visitor.  Before 1986, almost no one was taking care of that place. Unfortunately, a lot of construction material was cleared up by bulldozers in 1952 because of presidential order of the dictator Trujillo. Only the foundation grounds and the reconstructed House of Christopher Columbus are nowadays visible at the excavations of La Isabela.

At second appearance, you can find with a little bit more patience and an informative tour guide a lot of interesting information about the place. Very impressive are the excavations of La Isabela and the items the people from back then were using. They can be seen in the museum. Even recollections from the old Taino people could be found during the excavations. This first European colony was on a very developed state-of-the-art back then, Spanish style.

La Isabela is perfect for a half day trip. And for everyone who would like to follow Columbus’ path seeing the oldest buildings of the first European settlers. Travelers who love to see historical facts with their own eyes will love the colony of La Isabela.

  • Casa del Almirante in La Isabela
  • La Isabela in the Dominican Republic
  • Monument in La Isabela, Dominican Republic
  • Cemetery in La Isabela, Dominican Republic

How much time should I spend here? Not more than 2 – 3 hours

📅 Recommended visit: All year season (Better in the morning hours before it starts to get hot – There is no shade)

💰 Costs: Affordable

  • Admission per person 200 Pesos <-> 3.50 – 4 USD.
  • Spanish speaking local tour guide not more than 500 Pesos <-> 8 – 9 USD)

Suitable for: History lovers, archaeologists



Santo Domingo is the first capital city on the American continent

The colony of Santo Domingo became the first permanent European settlement in the Americas. Consecutive upon that, Santo Domingo is the oldest city in the new world. Also at the same time, it is the first capital city, the first place of a Catholic cathedral out of Europe, and has the first university and hospital in Latin America. You can breathe in centuries-old history in the Dominican Republic.

Some of the original buildings have been restored and can be visited in the charming Colonial City of Santo Domingo. For this reason, a visit to the Dominican Republic should always include a few days Santo Domingo and the Colonial Zone with its picturesque and dainty flair which is worth to discover. Additionally, it attracts yearly thousands of visitors for its festivals. Check out the festival schedule – Maybe you can join the local Carnival, Barbarella and Merengue festivals.

Don’t worry too much about not being safe in the Colonial Zone. This neighborhood is one of the most protected areas in Santo Domingo. Next to that, this part of the city is one of the cleanest – Although it might not seem as it is from the perspective of a visitor from a first world country. But compared to many other neighborhoods, the Colonial Zone is in a quite good and clean condition.

To round up your experience in the oldest city of the American continent, I would like to recommend you to visit two more places which are easy to reach from the Colonial Zone. You’ll need a vehicle though, but would be able to get to the destinations in less than 20 minutes driving time.

Columbus Lighthouse (‘Faro El Colon’) – A mausoleum monument, that contains the remains of Christoph Columbus.

The three Eyes (‘Parque Los Tres Ojos’) – An open-air limestone cave with three lagoons. Check also this dedicated article.

Santo Domingo is perfect to start your vacation as an individual traveler in the Dominican Republic. Urban lifestyle and city travelers will love the metropolitan part of the country.

How much time should I spend here? Not more than 2 nights

📅 Recommended visit: All year season

💰Costs: Affordable

  • Discovering the Colonial Zone is of course free. But with a local tour guide much more informative and worth it. Should be available between 25 – 35 USD.
  • Admission for Columbus’ Lighthouse is 200 Pesos <-> 3.50 – 4 USD
  • Entrance for “The three eyes” is 250 Pesos <-> 4.50 – 5 USD

Suitable for: Urban travelers, history lovers



The highest peak of the Caribbean

Contrary to sandy and pristine beaches, the Dominican Republic has the highest mountain of all Caribbean islands. ‘Pico Duarte’ is 10,164 feet (3.098 m) high and was named in appreciation of Juan Pablo Duarte, one of the Dominican Republics’ founding fathers.

The mountainous area offers challenging ascents for hikers. Its peak welcomes yearly approximately 3,000 climbers who like to experience its incredible beauty. That’s less than 10 people every day! As a result of this a real insider tip for everyone who likes to discover nature and be all alone on top of a mountain. And who can claim to have made it to the highest point of a geographic area? If you consider visiting the Dominican Republic, you hopefully have now an additional motivation to hike to Pico Duarte and be on top of the Caribbean!

View from Pico Duarte (10,164 feet - 3.098 m)
Pico Duarte is the highest elevation of the Caribbean with 10,164 feet – 3.098 m
(© Ministerio de Turismo de República Dominicana)

There are several routes with varying difficulty levels from Jarabacoa that lead to Pico Duarte. Depending on your physical condition, you know which routes and which difficult level are best for you. Only experienced ascensionists should consider to do it alone without a tour guide. It’s recommended to climb up the mountain accompanied by pack animals and tour guides with a good knowledge of the area.

Another little recommendation to maximize your individual experience would be to visit it off the high season. You know now, that approximately 3,000 travelers approach Pico Duarte yearly. But almost the half does it only in January and during the Easter holidays! Try to avoid these peak times and reach the peak of the mountain for the rest of the year.

Pico Duarte is the ideal assignment for mountaineers, adventurers and everyone who seeks for an individual challenge.

How much time should I spend here? You should expect 4 days for the standard route. Starting ideally from Jarabacoa in the mountains.

📅 Recommended visit: NOT during January and Easter. Evade the peak times and go in low season

💰Costs: Moderate

Suitable for: Mountaineers, adventurers, nature lovers



Lowest elevation of the Caribbean

Conversely to everything that was written before about the highest peak of the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic possesses the exact geographic opposite.

Located in the southwestern region of the country, Lake Enriquillo is the largest lake and the lowest elevation in the whole Caribbean. It covers an area of 145 square miles and the lake level is approximately 140 feet below sea level. Although it can appear seasonable as hypersaline, Enriquillo Lake offers habitat conditions to the largest population of American crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) in the Caribbean.

Lago Enriquillo in the southwestern part of the Dominican Republic

Very unusual as well as the flooding trend: Since 2004 the lake has grown by almost 130% due to increased rainfall and reduced evaporation caused by milder temperatures. This, on the other hand, helps some endangered species who are living in the lake to keep their habitat protected.

Have you ever seen wild flamingos in their natural habitat? At Lake Enriquillo, you’ll have the chance to! You’re a bird watching expert and need some elaborated challenges? As a hint, you should remain patient and wait for the reason number 8 for individual tourism in the Dominican Republic.

If you’re not interested in birds at all, you can also find an endemic iguana species at Lago Enriquillo. The Rhinoceros Iguana (Cyclura cornuta) has its habitat there and welcomes you with its majestic appearance. Insiders’ tip: Bring some fresh fruits and feed them, they love cherries!

Lake Enriquillo is a very suitable destination for wildlife watching and nature exploration. And everyone who wants to see pink flamingos needs to see Lago Enriquillo.

How much time should I spend here? 1 day

📅 Recommended visit: All year season

💰Costs: Affordable

Suitable for: Adventurers, bird watchers, nature lovers



You can defy gravity in Polo

Now to a very magic characteristic of the Dominican Republic that became over the last years more and more a viral trend. Close to Barahona in the southwestern part of the country, a tiny town called Polo can be found. Here you have one of the few opportunities in the world to trick scientific laws and challenge gravity at the Magnetic Pole (El Polo Magnético).

If you are going to stop your car in neutral gear in the downhill section, your car will roll up! You don’t believe it? Please drive to Polo and check out the gravity hill. Your car rolling up is caused by an optical illusion due to the condition of the road and the landscape itself. Still, a nice and unique experience. Don’t forget to take enough convincing photos or even illusory videos as a memory. Most importantly: No entrance fees are charged and you can discover it for free! For this purpose, it might be a good idea to include the magnetic pole into your road trip.

Apart from that, there is not much to see and do in Polo. But you can use this stop in your road trip as a nice stopover to continue to the unknown southwest of the country.

The Polo Magnético is ideal for everyone who wants a self-drive tour across the Dominican Republic. And for those who want to trick laws of nature.

How much time should I spend here? 30 minutes

📅 Recommended time: All year season

💰Costs: Free of charge

Suitable for: Nerds, You-Tubers



You will be able to play presidential Golf at ‘Teeth of a dog’

Did you know, that even former US-presidents are coming to the island to play golf? Furthermore, the Dominican Republic ranks with more than 30 beautiful golf courses among the best golf destinations in Latin America. Swing and no miss in the Dominican Republic! Most were designed by famous designers like Jack Nicklaus, Robert Trent, Bobby Jones, Nick Faldo and Peter Dye.

The ‘Teeth of the Dog’ course is the most prestigious Golf course in the Dominican Republic. Feel welcome to spend unforgettable golf holidays in the Caribbean. Nine of the Dominican golf courses are mentioned amongst the “Top 50” in the listing of the magazine Golfweek. Many sports champions, enthusiasts and celebrities from around the world came to the Dominican Republic to play Golf. To emphasize some of them: Former U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush came to play at the Dominican designer golf courses.

The famous golf course ‘Teeth of the Dog’ in the Dominican Republic
(© Ministerio de Turismo de República Dominicana)

To emphasize the countries status in the golf world: Members of the Global Golf Tourism Organization, IAGTO have voted Dominican Republic as the “2019 Golf Destination of the Year for Latin America and the Caribbean. Not only, but especially these international recognized awards have helped Dominican Republic to maintain its status as the Golf Capital of the Caribbean.

Teeth of the Dog golf course is for everyone who would like to bring his or her own pair of clubs. And for those who prefer having a luxury holiday in a Caribbean destination.

How much time should I spend here? Depends on your budget

📅 Recommended visit: All year season

💰Costs: Expensive

Suitable for: Golfers



Merengue has its cultural origin in the Dominican Republic

Sugar, coffee, and tobacco are the most important economic export products of the Dominican Republic. But it’s the typical Merengue music and dances who made the country internationally popular and famous in cultural aspects.

Don’t miss the following article, that will show you more Merengue dances.

Fast-paced rhythmic music from hand-made instruments in combination with close and graceful dancing moves – nowhere else can the Dominican lifestyle be better observed as during the evenings when the Merengue music is played. The good thing is, that you will find it everywhere in the whole country. Merengue is not only the music and not only the dance, it is a cultural Dominican expression!

In July and August there are several Merengue festivals in Santo Domingo that wait to be discovered from you. They take place around the Malecón and the music beats keep pumping all night. A very special insiders’ tip is the visit of the restaurant ‘El Conuco’. It is one of the most typical Dominican restaurants of the city with traditional decoration, staff in folkloric clothing and typical Dominican dishes. I haven’t seen before anyone dancing as wild but controlled as these two people ON a bottle of rum. Yes, ON a bottle, not with a bottle!

Recently, the UNESCO has declared traditional Dominican merengue music and dance an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. A recognition of the beloved cultural value that is part of Dominican identity.

‘Festival de Merengue’ is for cultural explorers, active dancers and such who want to move their hips to Caribbean music.

How much time should I spend here? One day

📅 Recommended visit: Takes place usually late July – early August

💰Costs: Free of charge

Suitable for: Cultural interested people, dancers



Most bird species of the Caribbean have their habitat in the Dominican Republic

You remember the little hint I gave the bird watching experts in chapter 4? Now your time has come to discover why!

Bird watchers have been considered lately with a decent interest from travel destinations. Hence, the Dominican Republic is a pure paradise for bird watchers. Especially Los Haitises National Park, Sierra de Bahoruco and Cordillera Septentrional offer stunning opportunities to observe the winging Dominican wildlife. Amongst tropical trees and many other animals, some threatened, endangered and even endemic species can be seen. Under those circumstances, the Dominican Republic is a pure paradise for ornithologists.

The diversity of bird species in the Dominican Republic is a consequence of Hispaniola’s complex geologic history with various microclimatic zones. In the Caribbean, the island is geographically the most diverse and enables the habitat conditions. As a result, it offers a habitat for 320 birds whereof 32 are endemic bird species.

And the Dominican birds are worth to glass. You should observe them with your own eyes – or your own field glasses. The unknown southwest offers many opportunities for bird watchers and such who want to become it.

📅 Recommended visit: All year season

💰Costs: Expensive

Suitable for: Nature lovers, bird watchers



Neither 99% of the local population nor Trip Advisor know the highest waterfall of the Caribbean

Whenever it comes to really secret insider tips, the following Dominican destination shouldn’t be missed in any anecdotes. Totally disregarded by all guide books and excursions in the country, there is one of these secret insider tips. A waterfall with a single-drop of 390 feet (119 m) can be found in the middle of a green area.

We’re talking about the waterfall ‘Salto de La Jalda’. Truly a travel destination, which is unknown to most of the locals and not even listed on Trip Advisor. A trip to this secret waterfall will take you about 4.5 hours by foot or 2.5 hours on horseback. Don’t forget to pack your swimsuit before you go. Chilled water will refresh your mind once you arrive there.

As it can be still considered as an absolute hidden gem, you shouldn’t hesitate too long to go there. See it with your own eyes, before standardized package tour operators will bring thousands of tourists here. Furthermore, this stunning beauty is beside its long hike easy to reach. In detail, it’s just 1.5 hours distance away from Punta Cana and 2 hours from Santo Domingo. For this reason, it would be the ideal destination for an adventurous day trip. 

The top-secret waterfall Salto de La Jalda is perfect for explorers, nature lovers and adventurous travel pioneers.

How much time should I spend here? 1 full day

📅 Recommended visit: All year season

💰 Costs: Moderate

Suitable for: Nature lovers, hikers



Giant humpback whales are born in the Dominican Republic

Especially nature lovers who want to enjoy the diversity of animals will get one’s money’s worth in the Dominican Republic. Each year, approximately 2,000 – 3,000 giant humpback whales arrive in the bay of the peninsula Samaná.

They are migrating seasonally from the Northern Atlantic to the milder Dominican waters for calving and breeding. Their newborns don’t have enough fat reserves to be able to survive the cold winter waters in the northern waters, that’s why they come here to the Dominican Republic. In late March, they are returning to North America, Greenland, and Iceland to their feeding sites to prepare for the next season.

Whale watching in the Dominican Republic

In a wider sense, giant humpback whales are native Dominicans who live abroad for the summer and come back home for winter. Of course, they visit their homeland (or better: “homewater”) every year. How cool is that?

The Samaná Peninsula is ideal for whale watchers, animal lovers and everyone who wants to see whales with their own eyes.

How much time should I spend here? 1 full day

📅 Recommended visit: From January till mid of March

💰 Costs: Moderate

Suitable for: Nature lovers, hikers


Did you like these 10 thrilling and unique features about the Dominican Republic? Do you feel inspired to plan your next dream holidays there?

As described before, the Dominican Republic has many interesting characteristics that every individual traveler would cherish. If you need more recommendations for your Caribbean dream holiday and some more insiders’ tips, be forearmed for other articles on this blog. You’ll read about some destinations that are hard to find and possibly not even communicated elsewhere in the internet.

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Dominican Republic 🇩🇴

Perico Ripiao – When Dominicans dance Merengue on a bottle

Dominican Republic, English

I can’t say, that I’m a lucky guy, but this day I was very lucky to have had the opportunity to see something very special at ‘El Conuco’ in Santo Domingo. It was November 26, 2019 and I had dinner in a restaurant in the Dominican capital city. Luckily, it was one of the most typical Dominican restaurants of the city with traditional decoration, staff in folkloric clothing and typical Dominican dishes. But the best thing about all this was this specific day itself. Later I found out, that the November 26 is the ‘National Merengue Day’ and that it’s even an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity‘.

To honor this specific day with its traditional music and dances, the employees of the restaurant wore traditional Dominican clothes and showed some Merengue dances. Not the normal dances you’d expect, but on a bottle. Yes, ON a bottle, not with a bottle!

I remember, that I danced myself already very often WITH a bottle, but never ON a bottle. Most of the times, these bottles I danced with contained alcoholic beverages, that let me dance more than usual. But that specific dance the couple demonstrated was something I didn’t expect to see that evening. Almost as good as dancing on a bottle was the finisher of another dance with several pirouettes for the poor lady:

Dominicans call this dance ‘Perico Ripiao’. I haven’t seen before anyone dancing as wild but controlled as these two people. Thank you, dear coincidence, that I was at the time on the right place and could see it with my own eyes!

Día del Merengue, 28 de Noviembre 2019

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Fiesta de Los Palos en San Cristóbal – Celebrando la cultura afroamericana en la República Dominicana

Dominican Republic, Español, Insider Report

La cultura dominicana no esta a flor de piel y para muchos extranjeros no es tan fácil experimentarla. Si hablamos en comparación con otros países latinoamericanos, República Dominicana tiene menos de las que esperarías. Aunque la mayoría se perciben como personas estrictamente católicas, esto cambia a la hora de celebrar festividades como el Carnaval. La celebración de la independencia que es el 27 de febrero apenas se reconoce con una festividad. Sera que los Dominicanos prefieren estar en la playa en vez de celebrarlas a lo grande como en otros países?

Tuve la alegría de ver una excepción a esta regla en San Cristóbal. Anualmente el último domingo de noviembre se celebra la ‘Fiesta de Palos’ cerca de la ciudad capital de la República Dominicana. ¡Afortunadamente, pude unirme a esta mezcla de sonidos y me sorprendió como los dominicanos celebraron su cultura un domingo por la tarde en San Cristóbal!

A unas 20 millas de Santo Domingo, se puede encontrar en la mapa a un pueblo llamado “San Cristóbal”. Ni mi novia dominicana ni sus padres con los que viajaba sabían que nos esperaba esta tarde.

Estábamos visitando a algunos familiares de ese pueblo que organizaban en su calle una vez al año la “Fiesta de Palos”. Aunque viven bastante cerca de la capital de la República Dominicana en San Cristóbal, este tipo de festividades no se celebran en los distritos urbanos de Santo Domingo. Lo que significa que ellos también aprendieron algo nuevo sobre su propio país, la cultura Dominicana y sus co-ciudadanos.

Para mí, como Super-Gringo, todo era absolutamente nuevo y sorprendente. Sin tener una buena conexión con la familia de mi novia, nunca hubiera tenido acceso a una comunidad como esa. Por lo tanto, estoy muy agradecido de haber obtenido esta oportunidad para ver de la cultura dominicana, que generalmente está oculta para los extranjeros. Comparablemente con mi experiencia de sentirse como Eminem en Guallupe, Ecuador en diciembre de 2017, nuevamente fui el único extraño blanco y extranjero en una comunidad. Y nuevamente, me recibieron con los brazos muy abiertos y con un espíritu sincero que me complació mucho.

Tomé mi GoPro y hice muchos videos, pero desafortunadamente no muchas fotos. Para explicar un poco mejor estas festividades, podría ser útil leer las siguientes preguntas:

¿Qué es la “Fiesta de Palos”?

La “Fiesta de Palos” es una festividad cultural en la República Dominicana para honrar a los santos católicos o aniversarios de los fallecidos. Suele tener lugar en zonas rurales.


¿Dónde tiene su origen la “Fiesta de Palos”?

La “Fiesta de Palos” tiene sus raíces en el Congo, África Central. Junto con sus instrumentos africanos folklóricos, se caracteriza por sus ritmos rápidos, cantos fuertes y bailes juguetones.

¿Cuáles instrumentos se tocan en “Fiesta de Palos”?

Por lo general, se utilizan tres tambores largos diferentes con una altura de hasta 3 a 4 pies. Los dominicanos llaman a estos tres tambores El Mayor, El Menor y El Alcahuete. Y no, esa palabra no es una traducción incorrecta ni una broma. Realmente llaman a este tambor ‘pimp’.

Junto a la batería larga, los idiófonos acompañan el sonido para completar los ruidos fuertes.

¿Dónde se celebra la “Fiesta de Palos”?

Posiblemente en todas partes en la República Dominicana, pero más en el campo y en barrios con muchos habitantes de ascendencia afroamericana. Fiesta the Palos no es una fiesta urbana y no se puede encontrar en las zonas turísticas de Punta Cana. Necesitas profundizar un poco más antes de encontrar las verdaderas raíces dominicanas con su cultura y música.

¿Con qué frecuencia se celebra la “Fiesta de Palos”?

De manera muy irregular. La “Fiesta de Palos” está asociada con las celebraciones de vírgenes y santos. Cada vez que hay un fuerte vínculo entre una aldea y una figura católica sagrada, se trata de que los aldeanos los honren anualmente con esta festividad. Dependiendo de qué virgen o santo sea apreciado o adorado, las fechas de la fiesta también varían. No existe ninguna regla consistente o periódica para toda la República Dominicana. Todo depende de los favores de los aldeanos a los santos, o viceversa, como quieras.

Este tipo de actividades culturales de pequeño tamaño no se comunican ni publican transregionalmente y siguen siendo conocimiento interno. Es muy difícil encontrarlos, aún más difícil para los extranjeros.

¿Qué es especial de la Fiesta de Palos?

Una de las cosas más sorprendentes fue para mí, que los músicos no recibieron ningún aplauso. Si observas cuidadosamente los videos hasta el final de sus canciones, notará que nadie de la audiencia aplaude a la banda. Fue la primera vez en mi vida que observé a una audiencia que no valora la presentación con aplausos, aunque la apoya con fuerza y bailes. Las pregunté a algunas personas por qué no aplauden la música. Ellos respondieron: “No es parte de esta cultura y nunca hacemos eso cuando alguien toca canciones como esa”.

Otra cosa interesante es que cada uno de estos tambores largos es tan único como su creador. Todos se producen a mano y nunca en fabricación por lotes. Por lo general, estos tambores están hechos de árboles ahuecados y cubiertos con pieles de cabra o vaca para la cabeza. Cada tambor hace un sonido diferente.


Fiesta de Palos es una gran reunión con gente bebiendo, bailando, charlando todo el día. No muy diferente a un Colmado dominicano habitual en la noche. Pero con el deseo de mantener la cultura afroamericana en la República Dominicana. Como puedes imaginar, estas tradiciones rurales con su música y bailes se extinguen, debido a la falta de comunicación y grabaciones digitales. Espero poder contribuir al menos un poco para conservar una pequeña parte de la tradición dominicana con la publicación de este artículo.

Ni siquiera podía decir qué santo católico específico fue honrado ese día. La mesita con las velas en los videos mostraba los devocionales. Pero durante todo el tiempo que estuve allí, no se comunicó a quién honrar ese día. Tampoco entendí realmente de qué estaban cantando, sus palabras eran muy fuertes, rápidas y argot. Pero fue un día muy especial para mí ver la Fiesta de Palos en la República Dominicana y entendí un poquito mas de la cultura Dominicana.

Fiesta de Palos in San Cristobal – Celebrating the traditional Afro-American culture in the Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic, English, Insider Report

The Dominican culture is hard to find and for foreigners sometimes even harder to detect. In comparison to many other Latin American countries, they spare out some festivities you would expect from a country like the Dominican Republic. Although they perceive themselves as strictly catholic people, they don’t express it with religious festivities during Carnival and with Easter progressions in a collective and colorful way. The national holiday on February 27 is as well barely recognized with organized and widespread festivities or ceremonies. I had the joy to saw a great exception of that rule in San Cristobal. They celebrate annually on the last Sunday in November a ceremony called ‘Fiesta de Palos’ (Translated: Stick party) close to the capital city of the Dominican Republic. Luckily, I could join this racket and was surprised how Dominicans celebrate their culture on a Sunday afternoon in San Cristobal!

Some 20 miles away from Santo Domingo, a village called ‘San Cristobal’ can be found on the map. Neither my Dominican girlfriend nor her parents I was traveling with knew what to expect from this afternoon.

We were visiting some relatives of that village who organize on their street once in a year the ‘Fiesta de Palos’. Although they are living quite close to the capital of the Dominican Republic in San Cristobal, these types of festivities aren’t celebrated in the urban districts of Santo Domingo. Which means, that also they learned and something new about their own country and fellow citizens.

For me as a Super-Gringo, everything was absolutely new and astonishing. Without having a good connection to the family of my girlfriend, I would never have access to a community like them. Thus, I am quite thankful to have obtained this insight to the Dominican culture, which usually is hidden to foreigners. Comparably to my Eminem-experience in Guallupe in Ecuador in December 2017, I was again the only white and foreign stranger in a black community. And again, they welcomed me with very open arms and with a candid spirit that pleased me very much.

I took my GoPro and took a lot of videos, but unfortunately not many photos. To explain these festivities a little bit better, it could help to read the following questions:

What is ‘Fiesta de Palos’?

‘Fiesta de Palos’ is a cultural festivity in the Dominican Republic to honor Catholic saints or anniversaries of the deceased. It usually takes places in rural areas.


Where does ‘Fiesta de Palos’ has its origin?

‘Fiesta de Palos’ has its roots in Congo, Central Africa. Along with its folkloric African instruments, it’s characterized by its up-tempo rhythms, loud chants, and playful dances.

What instruments are played at ‘Fiesta de Palos’?

Usually, three different long drums are used with a height of up to 3 – 4 feet. The Dominicans call these three drums El Mayor, El Menor and El Alcahuete à The oldest, the youngest and the pimp. And no, that translation is neither wrong translated, nor a joke. They really call this drum a pimp.

Next to the long drums, idiophones accompany the sound to complete the loud noises.

Where is ‘Fiesta de Palos’ celebrated?

Possibly everywhere in the Dominican Republic, but more likely on the countryside and in villages with many inhabitants of Afro-American descent. Fiesta the Palos is not an urban festivity and can’t be found in the touristy areas around Punta Cana. You need to dig a little deeper before finding the true Dominican roots with its culture and music.

How often is ‘Fiesta de Palos’ celebrated?

On a very irregularly basis. ‘Fiesta de Palos’ is associated with the celebrations of virgins and saints. Whenever there is a strong bond between a village and a holy catholic figure, it’s about the villagers to honor them on a yearly basis with this festivity. Depending on which virgin or saint is cherished or adored, the festivity dates also varies. There isn’t any consistent or periodical rule for the entire Dominican Republic. All depends on the favors of the villagers to the saints – Or vice versa as you like.

These types of micro-sized cultural activities aren’t communicated or published transregionally and remain cultural insider knowledge. It’s very hard to find them, even more difficult for foreigners.

What is special about Fiesta de Palos?

One of the most surprising things was for me, that the musicians did not receive any applause. If you carefully watch the videos until the end of their songs, you will notice, that no one of the audience gives applause for the band. It was the first time in my life, that I observed an audience that doesn’t value the performance with clapping their hands although supporting it strongly. I asked a few people, why they don’t applaud to the music. They answered: “It’s not part of this culture and we never do that when someone plays songs like that.”

Another interesting thing is, that each of these long drums is as unique as its creator making it. They are all produced hand-made and never in batch fabrication. Usually, these drums are made from trees hollowed out and covered with goat or cow skins for the head. Each drum makes a different sound.

Fiesta de Palos is a big get together with people drinking, dancing, chattering all day. Not very different to a usual Dominican Colmado at night. But with the desire to maintain the Afro-American culture in the Dominican Republic. As you can imagine, these rural traditions with its music and dances die out, because of the lack of communication and recordings. I hope, that I could contribute at least a little bit to conservate a little piece of the Dominican tradition and publication of this article.


I couldn’t even tell, which specific Catholic saint was honored that day. The little table with the candles in the videos showed the devotionals. But the whole time I was there, it was not communicated, whom to honor that day. Neither did I really understand what they were singing about, their words were very loud and fast and slang. But it was a very special day for me to see Fiesta de Palos in the Dominican Republic.

Is it still safe to take vacations in the Dominican Republic in 2020?

Dominican Republic, English, Insider Report

After the mysterious deaths of several US-American citizens within a short period of time in 2019, many vacationers highly doubt that the Dominican Republic is still a safe country to go on holiday. Is their perception correct or is it maybe only collective hysteria created by the powerful US-American media manipulation? What are the causes? Even more interesting: What are the effects of all the incidents? I encourage you to read this article if you are curious about the opinion of a regular guy like me and how I can contribute to this topic with a little research and without being part of the mass media.

First things first, let me please introduce myself, and explain why I want to write this article. My name is Phil and I have lived for 6 months in Santo Domingo, the oldest capital on the American continent and at the same time the most heavily populated city in the Caribbean and the Dominican Republic. Although I live in the same country where all these incidents happened, I can’t claim that I have insider information. The only thing I can do is analyze the given information and compare them with the regular tourism statistics. I can’t do magic or unravel the deaths of the US-American citizens. That’s not my goal, neither my task to play Sherlock Philmes here. It should be actually the job of every journalist to reveal all the information to create an objective article with high quality. But the media nowadays…

Let’s forget about this. I might be neutral enough to write about it. Neither am I Dominican, nor a US-American. That gives me a little distance from the hot topic. But I am not unconcerned either. I work for a Dominican DMC (destination management company) and the company suffers as well from several cancellations from US-Americans. Major fears are: “I don’t feel safe anymore” and “What if that also could happen to me?”.

This is a general risk which no one can take away from another person. Nearly every day, tragic accidents can happen to you. Most accidents happen at home, some on the way to work, several when you exercise and go to the gym and even during your working time you’re not spared from them. But if you visit a county that you didn’t know before, surely everyone has his/her concerns. Same with me – And I came to the Dominican Republic to stay for longer, not only for a ten-day all-inclusive vacation in a hermetically sealed resort. I need to live in this country and with all the circumstances of Santo Domingo (e.g. cleanliness, order, medical care, etc.) are even worse than in paradisiac appearing Punta Cana where international visitors encounter a highly modern and neat looking area.

US-Americans are far more likely to be killed in the US than in the Dominican Republic

To directly counteract against the negative news propaganda, it would be worth it to watch a powerful video with interesting content:

CNN writes, that Americans are far more likely to be killed in the US than in the Dominican Republic. Stunning information! For everyone who is too lazy to click on the link and read the article fully, I highlight the most important outcome:

The odds of a US visitor dying unnaturally in the Dominican Republic in 2017 was about 0.82 per 100,000. Those odds dropped even further last year to 0.58 unnatural deaths per 100,000 American visitors.

Source: CNN


If you take a closer look at the death statistics…

In this video, you will hear the Dominican minister of health speaking about the deaths. The US embassy in Santo Domingo says, that they have no proof that these deaths are related.

Sure…That’s what a minister of health has to say to defend his country in this situation, aight? But what, if he and the US-embassy in Santo Domingo would be right? What, if the death US-tourists are not related?

I found a very interesting article on the American Council on Science and health. They basically tried to answer the two questions I asked before: “Is It Safe to Go To The Dominican Republic?“ All data about US citizens who died out of the United States can be found publicly here:

Screen Shot 2019-07-08 at 9.46.56 PM.png
Non-natural US-American deaths in the Dominican Republic: from 2018 – 2018

What are non-natural deaths? According to its definition, non-natural causes of death include motor vehicle accidents, falls, suicides, homicides, drowning, poisoning, complications from medical or surgical treatments, and exposure to smoke and fire. These deaths are in total responsible for less than 10% of total all-cause mortality.

Source: American Council on Science and health

From these numbers of 2017, you can make a comparison between the Top-5 tourism destinations for US-American citizens.

Keeping in mind the caveats that (1) the non-natural death data includes not only tourists but business travelers and expatriates; (2) the non-natural death data includes accidents and suicides; and (3) the calculated mortality “rate” is just a rough estimate since Americans don’t generally spend an entire year in a foreign country. The numbers are pretty clear. Among the top five most popular tourist destinations for Americans, Mexico is by far the most dangerous (in 2017, anyway).

Source: American Council on Science and health

Well, 6.12 deaths per 1 million US-visitors – Is that now a good or a bad statistical result?


The coherence of African killer bees, shark attacks and the Dominican Republic

For me, this information is very interesting to see and shows – of course – the general failure of the US-American media. Whenever something produces interest to be able to create supreme hysteria to the US-American population, the effects on that related topic is drastic. Whether speaking about the African killer bees from the ’90s or – as mentioned in the video – Summer of the sharks from the early ’00, the US-American media created a class enemy, a major scare and anxiety because they were bored to death during their silly season in the summer. Nothing to report about? Let’s create something!

Unfortunately, this media frenzy continued for a long time and solidified in the perception of the US-American civilization. It took several years before US-journalists lost their interest and looked out to terrify the population with other topics. Instead of reporting in a dedicated and critical manner about these incidents, journalists speculate and try to force an opinion. Still, nowadays, sharks are seen as a major threat. Although we know the urban legend, that coconuts are more dangerous than sharks.

I hope, that the US-media doesn’t try the same with the Dominican Republic, what they before succeeded with bees, sharks and other topics. Bees and sharks can nothing do than continuing living their feral lives. Dominicans can’t. They are dependent on tourism as one of their major GDP sources.

Heavy losses for the Dominican economy due to US-cancellations

The following statistics made by CREES are from 2015, I couldn’t find a more recent comparison. Although these statistics aren’t up to date, they show significant data about the dependency of tourism for the Dominican Republic. We can be of course sure, that these figures raised until 2018.

Dominican Republic counts 6,118.0 million USD income thanks to tourism
This statistic shows the total Income of tourism in Latin America
Dominican Republic has $581.10 income per capita thanks to tourism
This statistic shows the tourism income per capita in Latin America.

Both income per capita and the total amount shows the dependence of tourism for the economy of the Dominican Republic. Tourism itself exceeds 20% of the country’s GDP. Approximately 12% of the whole Dominican GDP is coming from US-American tourists.

That means (in 2017) US$7,177.5 million!!

The United States are the masters of marketing, the media circus, and mass manipulation. These three ‘Magic M’s’ are responsible for a jab into the Dominican economy. I’m curious about the final statistics for 2019 and which impact it all had on the economy.

From all the tourism in the geographic region, the Dominican Republic accounts for 20% of all tourism in the Caribbean. In 2018, the tourism statistics noticed a new all-time record:

The Dominican Republic announced a 6.2 percent increase in 2018 for overall tourism to the country, welcoming a total of 6.5 million tourists. This growth exceeds the world average growth of 6 percent and solidifies the Dominican Republic as the top destination in the Caribbean, representing 20 percent of all travel to the area in 2018.

Source: Global News Wire

Followed by these good statistics from 2018, the first two months in 2019 looked appealing as well:

In the first two months of 2019, Dominican Republic welcomed 604,977 tourists, an increase of 8 percent compared to this time last year. In that timeframe, 65 percent of those tourist arrivals came from North America, specifically the United States which continues to be a key market for the Dominican Republic.

Source: Global News Wire

But then, the slump started to affect the statistics due to the US-American casualties. With only having data from the first six months of the year, it is too early to inference whether or not 2019 is going to be an overall bad year for the Dominican Republic. According to ForwardKeys, a good reliable source for references to tourism trends, the cancellations from US-citizens exceeded 70% in June compared to the same months in 2018:

Source: ForwardKeys

Even more distinct and obvious are the statistics of the cancellation without comparing them to the prior year. Taking a look at the cancellations since April 2019 shows the real impact and power of the US-American media hysteria:

Source: ForwardKeys

Not only mass media has worsened the situation with the cancellations to the Dominican Republic. Now, air carriers like Delta Airlines aggravate this situation and hysteria and inspire US-citizens to cancel their trips to the Dominican Republic for free.

Fortunately, the new reservations seem to come back to a ‘normal level’ and raised by 2.8% of the two previous, difficult months.


Can other Caribbean countries produce the same tourism quality like the Dominican Republic?

What we learned earlier from CNN was that Americans are far more likely to be killed in the US than in the Dominican Republic. Consequently, US-American citizens still want to spend their vacations in a country with sunshine, palms, rhythmic music, and fruity cocktails. Hence the people shift to other Caribbean destinations which might provide comparable holidays:

Source: ForwardKeys

One remaining question is if these destinations can fulfill the customers’ expectations regarding quality and excellence experiences. Due to statistics, the Dominican Republic offers the highest quality for travelers in the Caribbean. As a result of eight sub-rankings (culture, entertainment, sightseeing, sports and adventure, culinary, lodging, safety and connectivity), the Dominican Republic ranks number one here. 21 out of 25 of the region’s highest-rated hotels are in the Dominican Republic.

Source: Caribbean&Co
Source: Caribbean&Co.

Although it might seem, that the safety level is low according to these statistics from Caribbean&Co., the Dominican Republic is perceived much safer by its foreign visitors than its adjacent competitive tourism destinations:

heat map of crime in the Caribbean
This heat map shows the crime index of the Caribbean in 2017. Source:
According to the Caribbean Crime Index from 2017, the Dominican Republic was the safest country in the Caribbean
The Dominican Republic has the lowest crime index and the highest safety index of the Caribbean

But…What if I get killed in the Dominican Republic?!

Another statistic shows the Top 25 countries by Americans killed per capita. These statistics exclude any country that received fewer than 100,000 American visitors between 2009 and 2016.


The chance to get killed for a US-American is highest in Pakistan. But where is the Dominican Republic?

Other Latin American countries (e.g. Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, etc.) and such from the Caribbean (e.g. Jamaica, Haiti, Grenada, Barbados) could be seen here as direct competitors for a tourism destination. Even they are likely to represent a higher danger for US-American citizens. The Dominican Republic doesn’t come off badly in this ranking, particularly if you consider the mass of people who are traveling to that country.


Is the Dominican Republic still safe to visit?

Soooo, what did you learn from this article? You learned about the coherence amongst killer bees, killer sharks and killer Dominicans thanks to the US-American media hysteria. You learned about the importance of tourism for the Caribbean island. And you learned that the Dominican Republic produces the highest tourism quality in the geographic region.

Is the Dominican Republic still safe to visit? The best answer should be: That depends on your own perspective and what you do during your vacations. It’s safer for US-American tourists to visit Mexico than the Dominican Republic, but more unsafe than visiting France. Does this help? Of course not. But it replaces ‘panic thinking’ with ‘rational thinking if you consider soberly the statistics and keep emotions far away from decision making.

A beach is a beach. No matter if it’s in the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Dubai, Thailand or Australia. And people die everywhere in the world during their vacations, regardless of their nationality. Not only US-Americans.

You can still visit the Dominican Republic and have a good time, fun and what is most important: a safe feeling. Even if you are a US-American. But please don’t binge-drink at an All-Inclusive resort all day in the sun at 100°F if you suffer from heart failure and are currently on meds. I don’t want to see yourself included either into these or in Jamaican, Cuban or Barbados statistics. Have a long, successful and healthy life!

Zoneo Fest 2019 – A street food festival in Santo Domingo’s Colonial Zone

Dominican Republic, English, Foooooood, Journal

Following the worldwide trend of mobile gastronomic supply in the form of food trucks, there was a whole festival organized in Santo Domingo. I’m not sure, how many editions it had before. But I saw a few days before its promotion on Instagram from the Dominican magazine ‘Zoneo’, which was at the same time the organizer of the ‘Zoneo festival’. As a food lover, food blogger and food eater, it was a must for me to attend and check everything out. It all took place in the Colonial Zone, to be more exact in Fort Ozama. And I was surprised about this street food festival and the good food I had there. Please lean back and enjoy this article about Zoneo Fest 2019 and it’s tasty street food as I did during my consumption.

What is the Zoneo Fest?

Sometimes, humans are contradictory and inconsistent in their aspirations. On the one hand, they want to have everything cheap and always available. On the other hand, they are striving for exclusive moments and personalized experiences. The same holds true with food. One can always choose between the cheap solution and readymade fast food or high-priced food and tasty experiences in restaurants. I always like to pay a little more for good food, but can’t do that all the time.

Hence, I look for these good and tasty moments and special occasions, such as the Zoneo festival. This food truck and street food festival took place for two days on June 29 and June 30. Thanks to the geographic area at the Fort Ozama, there was enough space for a lot of activities for children, little artesian markets, a music stage and – of course – the food trucks. Especially children had a good time with all the games and activities.

A bouncer castle for the children
Many activities for children during the Zoneo festival

An entrance ticket cost 200 DOP and was valid for the whole day. You had the chance to leave the festival area and come back ‘for free’. Which was okay, because spending all day under the sun wasn’t a pleasure. I didn’t envy the food truck operators, who prepared all day the food while it was up to 95°F (35°C) hot. Not even considering their ovens, fireplaces and gas cookers they were using and made them suffer more…

Of course, I haven’t had the opportunity to try every food at the festival. It wasn’t a question of hunger, because I can eat like an elephant if I want. It’s more a question of the budget because good and qualitative food has its price. Thus, I had to select wisely what I should try. With some food trucks, it was an easy decision. Here you can find my tastings and why there were good or bad:


High tech doughnuts

One of the arguments for food trucks is to be able to observe its preparation. A little stand offered high tech donuts with a form of preparation I haven’t seen before:

Really amusing to see the whole linear process of preparing the doughnuts live and in color!

Not only the raw preparation of the doughnuts but also the gastronomic refinement was worth to see:
I never saw a more dedicated and lovely preparation of Doughnuts!

Venezuelan food: Casita Venezolana

The Venezuelan kitchen is not unknown to me, but I had until now only a very few opportunities to try its food. I don’t know a lot of Venezuelan food – But would be very happy if someone introduces and invites me one day to have a deep conversation about their food. Even better than talking about their food would be to cook and try it together!

The only thing I tried before this festival was Arepas. I am not 100% sure if it is an original Colombian or Venezuelan dish, but I associate it with Venezuela. All Colombians should be indulgent with me if I don’t concede Arepas to be Colombian food. If you would like to convince me of your national heritage, please prepare a Colombian version of Arepas for me.

I visited the food stand ‘Casita Venezolana’ and ordered – of course – Arepa with beef.

Casita Venezuela
‘Casita Venezolana’ offered food from Venezuela

A salute to all Venezuelans in the world!

Orgulloso Venezolano!
Greets to all the nice people I know from Venezuela!

Arepas consist of ground maize dough and my version was filled with ground beef and cheese. I forget to ask, which type of cheese it was. But it wasn’t molten and still had a solid consistency.

Arepa con carne de res y queso
This picture was captioned a few moments before biting in the Arepa

Still good, still tasty. If you tend to be hungry and looking for a real stomach filler. I would be happy to learn more about the Venezuelan kitchen. So far, I only know their fast/finger food but would love to try more!

Peruvian food: Peru Street Food

For me personally THE highlight of the festival from my perspective. Kids might prefer the bouncer castle, drinkers the rum bars. But as a foodie, you must love Peruvian food. I spend almost one and a half years of my life and had the joy to get to know the best kitchen in the world. You can find the previous articles in my database, but I would like to recommend one article in particular to all readers to read later. You might get an idea, why Peruvian food is the best food in the world.

I wrote several articles about Peruvian food, maybe my perception is a little biased and other food trucks didn’t have the same fair opportunities to convince my hungry stomach. However, Luis Pacheco runs this little food truck and can be found at the Malecon. He prepared ORIGINAL PERUVIAN Ceviche what I was missing since the last time I tried it in the street markets in Lima.

Luis invested not only a high dedication and effort to prepare good food, but he also uses original Peruvian ingredients. Well, except for the fish and lemon. But all the spices and sauces are 100% Peruvian quality. Check out how the make of Peruvian Ceviche.

A picture with Luis Pacheco from 'Peru Street Food'.
A picture with the Peruvian Chef Luis Pacheco from ‘Peru Street Food’ during the Zoneo Fest 2019. Dishes, ingredients, and decoration were 100% Peruvian!

He announced to have on Sunday as well Anticucho to offer. That was predominantly my main reason to come back to the festival. Where else do I have the chance in this Caribbean country to taste a cow’s heart? It might sound disturbing to a lot of people to eat a cow’s heart – But you don’t know what you miss if you reject this wonderful food.

🐮 💗

For me, number one of all!

🐮 💔

Anticucho es la carne del corazón de una vaca
The original Peruvian specialty ‘Anticucho’ (The heart of a cow – no joke)

Chinese/US (?) food – Omnifoodie

Omnifoodie food stand @Zoneo Fest 2019
A picture of the food stand from ‘Omnifoodie’

I am not quite sure, what type of food that was. In comparison to the ones before, their nationality wasn’t clear. I affiliate the dumplings (which I ordered) with the Asian kitchen, but all the other ingredients tend to be Chinese or US-American. I suspect them to be a Chinese/American food stand, although there people weren’t looking Chinese at all and it wasn’t 100% defined.

Anyway, I tried their dumblings:

In fact, I paid 250 DOP (which is $5.00) for four little dumplings. That’s the saddest food tourism trap I stepped into since I am here in the Dominican Republic. The taste was good and the sauce handmade but are 4 dumplings this really worth $5? That’s $1.25 each dumpling. Next time Dumb Phil should ask, how many dumpling units are included in that menu!

To finish the evening with a tasty drop, I ordered Oettinger Black Beer:

Oettinger beer served in a can
Original German Black Beer

All in all, it was a cool festival and quite good organized. I wish, to have had even more variety of food trucks, but it was okay. The only minor things I would have to criticize would be the following:

  • The official begin of the festival was at 12AM – But even at 3PM, some stands were still building up and thus, food wasn’t ready to have lunch there.
  • I didn’t see a possibility to pay entrance tickets for both days
  • More Dominican food and drinks, please! I saw many thrilling and fancy international varieties, but very little local specialties 🙂

A Canyoning trip to Charcos de los Militares and God’s swimming pool in Tubagua

Dominican Republic, English, Journal

This fluvial tourism excursion was part of the canyoning experience I had during the Easter weekend 2019 at Tubagua Eco Lodge. I already wrote an article before about the time I spent there. It was the perfect half-day excursion and a great combination of hiking, climbing and jumping inside of natural sweet water pools. Comparable to the adventure I had in Cabarete, but this time with better photos and videos. Nothing too crazy, moderate difficulty level, high fun attitude. Stay tuned and read further, if you are looking for a fun outdoor activity off the beaten track in the proximity of Puerto Plata. A canyoning trip to Charcos de los Militares and god’s swimming pool in Tubagua.

The ‘Charcos de los Militares’ in Tubagua might be a great alternative for nature and action lovers.

Approximate reading time: 6 minutes

(Last update: April 11, 2021)


Why does this place have two different names?

‘Charco de los Militares’ comes undeniably from the soldiery vocabulary. But why do the Dominicans call this place ‘military puddle’ (Charco de los Militares)?

I couldn’t find helpful information on the website of the Dominican Ministry of Tourism, but I found luckily somewhere else an attempt to explain the name:

According to the community, the name of puddles is because at the time of the dictatorship of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, a group of soldiers took the difficult and sensitive decision of dropping out, leaving their uniforms pulled into the crystalline waters of these pools, and from this event were baptized with the name of : The puddles of the military.

Some sources name this trail also God’s swimming pool. Well, although I did this trip during the Easter holidays – what would be a good catholic explanation – I didn’t feel either resurrected, nor reborn or baptized. But very refreshed. In any event: A divine swimming pool sounds a bit more peaceful than the military connotation about the military puddle.

Anyway: This excursion is supposed to be held exclusively through the Tubagua Eco Lodge with a guide who accompanies you during the whole trip. Don’t even think about trying to hike there on your own, you will never make it without local help.

I would have never found the way to the water, neither the way back to the lodge. That’s why I was thankful for the good guidance. Although this guy walked as fast as 100m runner, we never lost track during the way. And I was always the last of the group because I took photos and videos on the way what the other members of the group didn’t do.

Where is Charcos de los Militarios in the Dominican Republic?

You can find it on the map:

The GPS coordinates from Charco de Los Militares:

Latitude: 19.6743856

Longitude: -70.5978251

But again: Without an experienced tour guide who has local knowledge, you’ll never find it on your own. That’s why you need the Tubagua Eco Lodge and their guides to access Charco de los Militares.

The hiking trail to Charcos de los Militares is a green paradise


Every nature lover would be happy to do this excursion and walk to the ‘Charcos de los Militares’. What nature offers you is a stunning view and green paradise:

Our guide must’ve felt that our group was in a rush and we hiked, unfortunately, with a high velocity. Consequently, there wasn’t enough time to enjoy the green landscape. Only a few little videos and photos were possible. It would have been for me also okay to spend some more minutes to breathe in the pure air and enjoy the view.


But after approximately one hour of crossing abundant vegetation through ups and downhill areas, the group arrived at the military puddle or God’s swimming pool. The landscape changed now to a rugged and mountainous zone, but still with the same vegetation.


What you can see behind this chubby guy who blocks the view, is one of the three pools you can jump into and take a swim. Clear and cold water coming from the mountains and then accumulating to three different little or big ponds. The quantity of the pools of course depends according to rainfall and drought periods. Our guide told us, that there was at the time we arrived at a low water level.

Jumping into Gods swimming pool in Tubagua

You can climb up the rocks and jump into two of the three pools – If you dare to:

The water is crystal clear and refreshing and looks as following:

Individual tourism is quite rare in comparison to mass tourism in the Dominican Republic. The majority of tourism concentrates on Punta Cana. Hence you have in the country many opportunities to do an excursion that fly under the touristic radar. These excursions are hard to find for foreigners, but promise some unique moments you’d never experience in All-Inclusive trips.

I was warned before, that during the Easter holidays a 1/3 of the Dominican population would travel through the country as well. It was supposed to become difficult collecting unique experiences. But at Tubagua, it was surprisingly quiet on the highway, in the accommodation and during the whole excursion. No one was actually ‘in the way’ during the walk to the military puddle. We spend at least 1.5 good hours there. Until the moment, when we were about to leave at maybe 12:30am and a horde of Dominicans entered the area with music and fire for BBQ.

That was the perfect moment to leave the scenery and hike back one hour to the eco lodge. This time uphill – Very exhausting!

What you should definitely bring to Charcos de los Militares:

  • Comfortable tramping boots to hike to the pools. A pair you might want to jump into the water with.
  • Sun blocker (water resistant)
  • Head covering
  • Sunglasses to look cool on photos
  • Swimsuit
  • Towel
  • Water – Although there is enough water to see, you should bring bottled water to drink

An insect repellent was recommended to bring with as well. I didn’t apply it to my skin and was lucky to not have been bitten by insects there. Better bring insect repellent just in case.

Another top secret recommendation from me is to bring and wear water shoes or old well-worn but comfortable tennis shoes which can get wet. Putting of your tramping boots, go for a quick swim, putting them on again, walk to the next pond and repeat it several times is annoying. But walking the surface without any shoes make you look like a fool.

Better would be during the walks of the ‘Charco de los Militaros’ to put on water shoes which have a flexible sole and can become wet without any problems. Everything else might hurt your feet.

I hope, that you liked this blog article about God’s swimming pool in Tubagua – Next time I will try to remember, that it would be better to record videos in widescreen. Shame on me!

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